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Blog Posts

The red planet is arguably the most interesting planet to us as humans, after Earth, of course. Mars is the next planet in our solar...

Stellar Evolution
Stars are massive balls of hot gas (mostly hydrogen and helium) and generate light and heat using nuclear fusion. They range from about...

Habitable Planets - What is TRAPPIST-1?
Life is precious, yet on Earth it is abundant. As it turns out, our planet is the perfect place for life to exist and thrive. We have...

The New Big Discovery - Gravitational Waves - Neutron Star Collisions
I wrote my first passion blog on gravitational waves and how we had detected them for the first time a year ago, and that the Nobel prize...

The Nobel Prize in Physics - What are Gravitational Waves?
by kyle batra The past couple weeks have been filled with news from Puerto Rico and Nevada so you might have missed the other important...

Kennedy and the Space Race
by kyle batra 8/29/2017 In September of 1962, President John F. Kennedy gave his famous speech about how America needed to go into space...

Bacteria to Light Up Your Day
Recently, after the Paris 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, France instituted a new law requiring private stores, even if...

The Car of the Future
Tesla Motors, run by the entrepreneur Elon Musk, have revealed their newest car, the model 3. Tesla is an car company in California that...

Supersonic Passenger Jet
Have you ever dreamed of flying faster than the speed of sound? Well, on February 29, 2016 NASA announced that they intend to build a...

Scientists Discover Potentially Habitable Planets
For the first time, scientists and researchers have discovered potentially habitable planets near to us - well relatively near: 40 light...
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