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Welcome to my
About Me

My name is Kyle Batra, I am a PhD student at Purdue University in the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science department. I am investigating exoplanets in the outer habitable zone with Dr. Stephanie Olson, determining how interactions between the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere impact habitability.
Previously, I studied at Penn State University as a Schreyer Honors scholar. I majored in Astrophysics with minors in both Astrobiology and Physics. I performed research with Penn State Geoscience professor Dr. Brad Foley on planetary interiors with a focus on the evolution stagnant-lid mantle convection. I was able to write a senior thesis and publish a first-authored paper from this undergraduate research.
In my free time, I have volunteered and participated in astronomy & planetary science outreach. I give talks to the general public about Mars and astrobiology during past Penn State AstroFests and at school trips. I also volunteer by running telescopes during public observing nights, in hope that I can share my love for planetary science with students and families of all ages.
I enjoy teaching, and have been a TA multiple times as well as tutored students individually. I have been an undergraduate research mentor through the PSU research and fellowship department, helping students connect with faculty and begin doing research. Additionally I enjoy performing outreach with the LGBT+ community, helping underrepresented students find research and begin a career in academia.
I also love to create art and write in my free time, among other hobbies (sports, video games, board games). On this website, some of my creations are attached, on top of papers.
During elementary school, I lived in Germany and learned to speak fluent German. I travel back fairly often to visit friends and support my favorite soccer team, Borussia Moenchengladbach.

My past dog Leigh
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